Workers For Jesus Online Bible Study

The Book of Exodus

Exodus 1 -4
Moses is born and  grows up as an Egyptian
Moses kills an Egyptian and escapes to Midian.
God speaks to Moses from a burning bush.
God tells Moses to go back to Egypt.
God tells Moses that he will be the leader and take the Israelites back to Canaan.

Exodus 22-25
God gives Moses laws.
God gives the Israelites special holidays to celebrate.
Moses goes up on the mountain and talks to God.
God gives Moses instructions for building a tabernacle (holy place).
Exodus 5 -8
Moses tells Pharaoh to let the Israelites leave.
Pharaoh refuses to let the Israelites leave.
God sends plagues (disasters) on Egypt.
Exodus 26-28
God gives instructions for building the inside and outside of the tabernacle
God gives instructions for the priests' clothing and the breastplate.
Exodus 9 - 12
Pharaoh refuses to let the Israelites leave.
God tells Moses about the Passover.
The Passover happens, and Pharaoh tells the Israelites to leave fast.
Exodus 29-31
God gives Moses instructions for making Aaron and his sons the priests.
God gives instructions for the Sabbath.
God gives instructions for offerings.
Moses takes the first census.
God writes the Ten Commandments on stone tablets.
Exodus 13 - 15
The Israelites begin their trip back to Canaan.
Pharaoh's soldiers follow the Israelites.
God did a miracle and divided the water in the Red Sea so the Israelites could walk on dry land.
Exodus 32 -34
The Israelites sin and worship a statue.
Moses breaks the tablets with the Ten Commandments.
God gives Moses laws and makes new tablets.
Exodus 16 - 18
God provides food and water for the Israelites
The Israelites fight the Amalekite people.
Jethro gives Moses a good idea about dealing with problems.
Exodus 35 -37
The Israelites donate materials to make the Tabernacle.
Bezaleel, Aholiab, and their assistants build the Tabernacle and the things inside the tabernacle.
Exodus 19 - 21
God speaks to the Israelites from the Mountain of Sinai.
God gives Moses the Ten Commandments.
God gives some laws.


Exodus 38-40
The Israelites donate materials to make the Tabernacle.
Bezaleel, Aholiab, and their assistants build the Tabernacle and the things inside the tabernacle.

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